Omni Youth Programs
- Oct 1, 2023
- 3 min
Do you remember that famous line in the movie Jerry Maguire when the sports agent, Tom Cruise, said over and over to football player Cuba...
FREE presentations to prevent youth marijuana, alcohol, opioids/fentanyl and other drug use in Sacramento County.
Presentations available Online or In-Person.
FREE youth opioid & fentanyl prevention for immigrant and overlooked populations through community wide collaboration.
FREE Model Program Facilitator Certification for youth alcohol and marijuana prevention
for teens, professionals and community members.
FREE interactive, hands on marijuana education exhibits for teens and parents.
FREE trainings for professionals to bridge the gap between agencies & culture specific groups to provide culturally relevant services.
Life is stressful especially during COVID - 19 so it can be increasingly tempting to use alcohol or drugs.There are many reasons alcohol and drugs are dangerous, especially for young people whose brains are in a crucial stage of development.
There is a lot of information flying around about marijuana. Let's Talk Pot is back to answer more of the most commonly asked questions. For example: Is marijuana addictive? Is it more addictive for young people?